Review of the new Showcase Cinema De Lux in Southampton

Heyyyy again 👋 So its kinda crazy, I haven't blogged in like 3-4 weeks and now you're getting 2 consecutive ones!!! 😋 So yeah, as you can tell by the title of the blog, I am going to review the NEW Showcase Cinema De Lux in the NEW Southampton West Quay Watermark. So yeah; for those that are wondering, the film I went to watch is Fifty Shades Darker, and don't worry, there are no spoilers in the blog! So anyway, we booked the tickets online which was really straight forward, and it gave us a code to print them off with, which again, was really quick and easy. You can also choose to print them off yourself if you want to. When we got there we found it was a bit hard to find the way as its right of the back of the building that you have to go into. When we managed to find it we went to get our popcorn and drinks which as per any normal cinema, was slightly over priced. We got a small mixed sweet and salted popcorn which was about £4. I wouldn't say you got...