Dermalogica Sample Testing

Heyyyy everyone! So as you can all see, this blog post is a review about some Dermalogica skin care samples that I won as part of a competition! But, before I go ahead, I want to just let you know that I cancelled all my monthly beauty box subscriptions. This is because I didn't feel like I was getting value for money. Like, don't get me wrong, the products were good and everything, but they were not the sort of products that I wanted. Most of it was skin care and moisturisers and stuff like that, but I don't really want or need any of that stuff. I was more hoping to get more makeup testers. So anyway, after my disastrous May Glossybox, where I didn't actually like a single product I got in it, I decided to cancel the subscription. That is also why you haven't seen a post about the May one as I didn't see the point as every product in it got a huge thumbs down. Anyyyyway... on to this blog post!! So yeah, as I was saying, I won these Dermalog...