Dermalogica Sample Testing
Heyyyy everyone!
So as you can all see, this blog post is a review about some Dermalogica skin care samples that I won as part of a competition!
But, before I go ahead, I want to just let you know that I cancelled all my monthly beauty box subscriptions. This is because I didn't feel like I was getting value for money. Like, don't get me wrong, the products were good and everything, but they were not the sort of products that I wanted.
Most of it was skin care and moisturisers and stuff like that, but I don't really want or need any of that stuff. I was more hoping to get more makeup testers.
So anyway, after my disastrous May Glossybox, where I didn't actually like a single product I got in it, I decided to cancel the subscription. That is also why you haven't seen a post about the May one as I didn't see the point as every product in it got a huge thumbs down.
Anyyyyway... on to this blog post!!
So yeah, as I was saying, I won these Dermalogica samples through entering a competition which was run by a lovely girl that I met of a makeup fan group I'm a part off. This girl is a beauty therapist who has a really cool page that showcases all the sort of stuff she does, and where she hosts a variety of competitions where she is quite generous with the giveaways! I won this, plus a really lovely Nude coloured nail varnish.
Give her page a cheeky look and a like;
Anyway, onto the reviews!!
So, the products I am going to be giving my reviews on today are;
1) Dermalogica night time recovery trio, in which you get a pre cleanser, a skin resurfacing cleanser, and an overnight serum.
2) Dermalogica charcoal rescue masque
3) Dermalogica daily superfoliant
4) Dermalogica stress positive eye lift
So the first one; (even though its 3 items, I am going to do it as one because they come together.

The first product you should use is the Precleanse.

The next product you would use is the Skin Resurfacing Cleanser.
Now this product is really good at removing EVERYTHING on your face. Like, it literally takes everything off and leaves your skin feeling sooooo fresh and clean. It is also helps to remove dead skin cells which helps with cell turnover, which in long term, can actually improve the texture of the skin on your face. Another good thing about the cleanser, is that like the precleanse, it has the really refreshing professional product scent to it which is also super relaxing. I genuinely think that if someone was using these products on me then I would fall asleep.

THIS IS LUSH. It smells good. It feels good. It does good. Again, like the other products, it has that lovely refreshing professional relaxing scent. It makes your skin feel sooooo good instantly. Like you don't have to use it for weeks to get results. This works instantly I think. Not only did I think it make my skin softer straight away, by the morning, even after one use, my skin felt like it had been completely.. I don't even know... Like I had a full new face of skin?? Yeah, you get the idea. It was lovely. I would defo 100000% recommend this product.
The 4th item on my list to review is the Daily Superfoliant.

The 5th item to review is the charcoal rescue masque.
Now this product is looooooovely. It goes on SO easily unlike some most face masques I have used before. It makes your skin feel soooo refreshed. Even when its on its got a really nice feel to it. It didn't seem to go too tight on me when I used it which I think is a good thing, as I don't like it when face masques do that!
But yeah, it was also relatively easy and straight forward to get off too. Some are awful and very messy, but this one I didn't find to be either of those. It was an entirely pleasant experience. My skin after just felt so nice and clean. I am genuinely looking forward to the next time I use it.
On to the final review.. the stress positive eye lift cream.

In terms of how it feels when it is applied, I would give it a thumbs up. Despite my eyes not looking tired, I did feel tired and my eyes felt tired too, and this actually made them feel better. I don't know if its the smell or something in the product, but it made my eyes just feel generally more awake. I've used it a few times since, but I mostly save it for when I go on nights out because it keeps my eyes feeling awake, which we all know is a difficult task when we've had a few cheeky bevvies!! :P So yeah, on the whole, another good product.
That brings me to the end of another blog post.
Thank you for reading all the way through if you have gotten this far! There is a lot of writing here as I don't usually review more than 5 items at a time!!
But yeah, I just want to add on about Glossybox.. I am due to still get June subscription, so if that is good I may well reinstate it and do a blog post about it, but if not, then I won't bother.
Also, on a separate note, I'm still thinking about doing a life style blog post, kind of about how my year has been so far.. what are your thoughts on that?
I also have a couple of events coming up, one of which being Download Festival!!!! V. excited for that, so I may do a post about that once I'm back.
Thanks again for reading!!
Gemma x
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