Hey! 😀
I have decided when it is all over I am going to get a couple of piercings and a tattoo to welcome me back into society haha! I'm thinking that the tattoo will be of my 2 border collies, and I'm thinking the piercings will be my forward helix for starters, and I'm undecided on the second one yet. I am also seriously contemplating colouring my hair again as well, and adding some pink to it. Not sure if that is what people are calling the lock down madness, or if it's just because I like crazy hair. (Photo of my most recent crazy hair which I sadly no longer have)
I often think that I don't have much in the way of entertainment and that's why I get bored, but that simply isn't true. I have a Netflix subscription, Prime video subscription, an Xbox, Apple Music and Apple TV, plus several books, and my phone, and several social media accounts, but I still find myself getting bored and not knowing what to do! I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that.
Another thing I find myself struggling with whilst in lock down is healthy eating and exercise. It's so much more difficult not to snack when you're sat at home all day! I tend not to buy snacks and stuff too often as I just eat them, but ugh I do crave chocolate sometimes. I also don't find I have any motivation to do exercise. Before the lock down started I was just getting into the gym, but obviously I can't go now as they're shut! I have done yoga a few times, but that's about it. Going to come out of this lock down even more chubby than I already am! If anyone has any meal plan tips or fun home exercise tips that would be great.
So this is my first blog post in like 3 years. Not really doing it for anyone other than myself, but if you do find yourself reading it then I hope you find it interesting or relatable.
It's a post about the lock down we are all currently experiencing, and I guess just my take on it.
I am BORED. I mean, I don't really go out and do much anyway, but I still don't like having that restriction.. sometimes it's nice to just be able to get out, like sometimes I will go for a drive and find a quiet place to sit and think, but I can't do that at the moment. Even if you are making essential journeys like food shopping, you feel like you're being judged! It doesn't help that SO many people are getting berated online for going out. People are even leaving notes on peoples cars and judging them for it! As much as I agree that people should only be going out for essential journeys, you don't know peoples personal situations so please don't judge them.
One of the things that kinda keeps me going is trying to look at the bigger picture - we are living through what will one day be seen as a major historical event. It will be taught in school, and our children and grandchildren will one day learn about it.
Here is just a few things that will be remembered:
-> Multiple businesses having to close temporarily or even permanently.
-> School being closed and all exams being cancelled, as well as proms.
-> Social gatherings were limited to TWO people.
-> You had to stay 2 meters apart from everyone in public, shops even had to put markings on the ground.
-> Gyms/pubs/clubs/restaurants/cafes/fast food places were all closed.
-> The Olympic Games were postponed for the first time in HISTORY.
-> Wimbledon was cancelled and Euro 2020 was postponed.
-> Hundreds of festivals and events were cancelled.
-> Weddings had to be postponed.
-> Nearly all flights were grounded.
-> You are only allowed out of your home for essential journeys or one hour exercise a day. If you were a "key worker" you had a letter from your company showing that you were allowed to be travelling. -> If you showed so much as a single symptom, you and everyone in your household had to isolate for 2 weeks.
-> Funerals were limited to 15 mourners.
-> And the saddest part, over 100,000 people have died.
That is some seriously crazy stuff.
Even just the lock down is affecting people and seems to be a big trigger of anxiety. I don't think it's been affecting me too much. It has been very stressful, but I think a lot of that is work related rather than simply being in a lock down. I also miss seeing my friends and family, and miss seeing the doggies. I do also find that with being on my own for long periods of time, I tend to get lost in my head and I start to over think anything and everything. I do this anyway, but it's worse when I haven't got any distractions.

That being said, and despite having all these subscriptions, the one program I seem to only ever watch is the Big Bang Theory. I honestly watch it on repeat over and over and I genuinely believe it keeps me sane. Almost like a comfort blanket, but an adult version 😂

Anyway, there is probably so much more I could write but I feel like I've been blabbering on too much anyway.
Just one more thing, if you feel like you need someone to talk to, then please feel free to drop me a message.
Hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts on the lock down. If not then sorry but too bad because you're at the end now anyway 😉
Thanks for reading, and remember to STAY HOME AND STAY SAFE! 💝
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