Make up reviews!

Heyyyy again! 😚

So, here come some more makeup reviews!

This time it is stuff that I have actually bought and not stuff I received in my birchbox.

The 3 products I am going to review in this blog are all make up revolution products that I bought from Superdrug.

So, the list of products I am going review;
1) M.U.R Redemption Palette Iconic 2
2) M.U.R Ultra Sculpt & Contour Kit - Ultra Fair 01
3) M.U.R Pro Fix Oil Control Fixing Spray

First product - The Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2;

Okay, so this palette is the first *serious* eye shadow palette I have ever bought myself. Obviously when I was like 11/12 years old, I bought my self 1 cough,several,cough of those cringey pink/purple/blue and green palettes that everyone had... Safe to say my makeup skills back then really were not good....
Anyway, moving swiftly on! 😂

So yeah, the first proper palette I have bought. I absolutely love it. The colours are amazing, and they blend sooooo well. As I have mentioned in previous posts, i'm definitely no makeup artist, but even I managed to create a rather nice look using this palette. Also, the colours stay on so damn well. Like so well. I even put them to the ultimate test.. it's REALLY GROSS right, but I went to bed with my eye makeup still on. I KNOW. GROSS. I literally never do it, but I wanted to see just how good the eye shadows were. And you know what? It stayed on. Perfectly. It literally looked like I had just done my makeup.
So yeah, I literally would 100% recommend this palette and I'm looking forward to see what looks I can achieve with it.

Product number 2; The Makeup Revolution Ultra Sculpt & Contour Kit - Ultra Fair 01

This is quite a nice and easy to use product. The colours come out very nicely and are easy to blend onto your face and they are SO vibrant.
Like they are veeeery pigmented. Which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned, as you don't need to cake it on for it to look good and be noticeable.
In the picture, and in real life in fact, the colours look quite light, but don't be fooled.

I loaded up my brush and plonked it on my face, and well, lets just say I had to wipe it off with a wet wipe and do it again! You literally only need the smallest amount on your brush, and it goes really far. Which also in turn means that it will last longer.

My only slight criticism for the product is that its called a contour kit, but the middle colour, I assume is what you are supposed to use to contour under your eye and in between but just above your eyebrows, and I guess under where you put bronzer. I couldn't do that with this one as it is soooooo shimmery. For a highlighter its PERFECT, which is what I ended up using it as, but as part of a contour kit then it's not quite right. (Unless of course the sparkly look is what you're going for!)
Generally speaking, I would recommend this product as apart from the sparkle issue, it genuinely is a good product.

Product number 3; Makeup Revolution Pro Fix Oil Control Fixing Spray
This is the first fixing spray I've used and another fantastic product. You use it like any other fixing spray, basically just do your makeup as you usually would and then just lightly spritz your face with it. I have to say, it's really good. I did my makeup at about 9 am and sprayed my face with it. It lasted THE WHOLE DAY. Usually after about 3-4 hours my makeup sometimes starts to look a bit crappy, especially if I'm doing a lot of stuff and I am out and about. But not with this on my face. It was a busy day (mostly afternoon) as I went to a football game with my boyfriend.. this is what my face went through; 10 minute walk to the bus stop (usually I drive, but I was planning on drinking so we got the bus), a 3 minute walk to the pub, being splattered with alcohol (there was a fight and someone threw a glass of beer and some went over me), a 15 minute walk to the stadium in light rain, sitting in the stadium (to be fair, I was under shelter for this bit) a 15 minute walk back to the pub in light rain, a 2 minute walk back to the bus stop, and then a 10 minute walk back home in slightly heavier rain... all of this and when I got home my foundation, and even my bronzer still looked pretty much exactly like they did when I left the flat. Veeeery impressed I have to say. 
So again, I would also recommend this product. It seems that I recommend every product that I review but I genuinely haven't found one that I think is bad yet! (Apart from the Ciate pen eyeliner from my first post anyway).

So that brings me to the end of yet another blog post!

As ever, thanks for reading, and please let me know if you have any products, or even places, that you want me to review.

Gemma x



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